This function is a "runner" of a particular query that consequently makes API requests until maximum items are reached or all related items have been collected.
- query
string with the search term(s)
- max_items
numeric that indicates max items collected
- ...
params passed to get request, see also `query_search_api()`
S3 object of type `cursored_search`. Contains a `data.table` with all the responses transformed to tabular format, the path to the first request that starts the cursored search, and the corresponding response object compatible with `httr` methods.
if (FALSE) { # Sys.getenv("EUROPEANA_KEY") != ""
# \donttest{
#set your API key with set_key(api_key = "XXXX")
#query search API up to 3 items
res <- tidy_cursored_search(query = "animal",
max_items = 3,
theme = "art",
media = TRUE)
head(res$data[, 1:3])
# }