Posts a new comment reaction on a file comment.
- file_key
string. The key that a Figma file is referred by.
- comment_id
string. If there is one, the comment to respond to. You cannot reply to a remark that is a reply to itself (a reply has a parent id), thus this must be a root comment.
- emoji
string. The emoji type of reaction as a string enum :eyes:, :heart_eyes:, :heavy_plus_sign:, :+1:, :-1:, :joy: and :fire:
S3 object of class rigma_post_comment_reactions
. Contains the parsed
JSON response with fields error
, status
, and i18n
if (FALSE) { # Sys.getenv("FIGMA_ACCESS_TOKEN") != ""
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#navigate to file and get key from url
file_key <- "sFHgQh9dL6369o5wrZHmdR"
first_comment_id <- get_comments(file_key)$comments[[1]]$id
post_comment_reactions(file_key, first_comment_id, ":eyes:")
} # }